Seriously non-serious stuff, Things I Love


So, I’ve just seen this post in a social media website.

T h e r e a r e t w o T O T G A :

  1. T h e O n e T h a t G o t A w a y

  2. T h e O n e T h a t G o d A l l o w e d

My first serious boyfriend for 2 years was a TOTGA – “The One That God Allowed”. First few years after breakup, I thought he was a TOTGA (The One That Got Away). But then, I realized that God has some bigger plans for me and it was only a chapter of my book.

The pastor’s message last Sunday was all about HOPE; that there’s always hope in Jesus and that we just have to fix our eyes on Him.

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you HOPE and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

We need to keep on hoping, keep on praying that someday everything will fall into place and it will.

All of my relationships were TOTGA (The One That God Allowed), but there’s this one relationship that seems to be in the middle of both TOTGA (The One That God Allowed) && TOTGA (The One That Got Away). 🤨

I’ve only experienced butterflies in my stomach with the guy in between. The fact is, I had the biggest heartache of my life. That life changing, heartbreaking, thing that happens in love stories. And I never thought I would live again. I never thought I would feel love again, fall in love again. But then, I met this guy and suddenly, my heart started beating. I never new I had a heart until I met him. He was not this hunk, boy-next-door type of guy. In fact, the opposite. But he was the handsomest, smartest, most amazing man I ever met. He was my TOTGA. The One That Got Away and The One That God Allowed. You see, he was my first love. I was wrong. I thought the one that broke my heart, was my first love, but it was just infatuation. It was close to puppy-love. I didn’t love the guy, I just loved the idea of him. The idea of him which was NOT him. This other man, on the other hand, loved me first and I learned to love him as well. Not for who I thought he was, but for who he truly is. I just chose to see him how he wants to be seen, and I see the best of him. I see him as a smart, good-looking, kind and gentle person, a good boyfriend, a good husband, a good father. But he got away. Because God allowed it to happen.

I have faith that someday, I’ll see him again. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, I just do. And when that time comes, we’ll both be ready.

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