Real Talk

Why Do People Change?

This blog is a sequel in my study about change and learning the hows and whys of it.

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As what we’ve learned and understood about change, it is inevitable. It happens to everyone and every-when and everywhere. We see change all around us. There is change of atmosphere, environment, temperature, and color when the sun sets. And who knew that even a tiny rose bud could turn into a blooming flower as a caterpillar crawls into it’s leaves but after patiently waiting for 6 months in its cocoon, it breaks free and turns into a colorful, beautiful butterfly.

Before we find out why people change, first let us find out what change really means. According to Merriam Webster, change is to make different in some particular; to make radically different; to give a different position, course, or direction to; to replace with another; to make a shift from one to another. There are two kinds of changes – positive and negative change. Positive change is when something who was once in the negative side is turned into positive. For example, when a person who used to be shy and timid learns to speak to the crowd boldly and courageously, it is considered as a positive change.

On the other hand, a negative change occurs when something who was once positive turns into negative. This kind of change may not be extremely negative, though. It may be a work in progress. I’ve had a series positive and negative occurrences in my life. One positive change was when I decided to become an independent woman and decided to chase after my own dreams. The experience gave me a lot of of perspectives in life and it also allowed me to explore and learn new stuff – about myself, about the world, and many more. I’ve changed for the better. Yet, there are still so many things to learn and many places to set foot on. People say life is about taking risks, however, we must also know whether or not the risk we’re about to take would be worth it or not.

In a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, one of the reasons why someone changes is because they realize that the person is not worth fighting anymore or if they found someone who is much more appealing. Girls often say that their boyfriends were sweet, understanding and good to them at first, but as the relationship progressed, their partners became cold and they wonder why.

One negative change I acquired after ending a two-year and a half relationship is that I became an introvert. I considered myself an ambivert but more on the extrovert part but now I am an ambivert more on the introvert part. It’s a reality that is hard to swallow but people really do change.

Oftentimes, people change because of pain. People change because of the events that have happened to them. What’s important is, we know how to deal with these changes that occurred in our lives. Some people aren’t good in coping up to change and that includes me. Well, all of us are works in progress and there is always a room for improvement. 🙂

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